
Go Green


Why replace your existing incandescent or CFL lamps?

Changing the lighting in your home or business is one of the most popular and effective methods of saving money and energy.
LED equivalent bulbs are now available for almost all standard bulbs with no need to change the fitting. So now you can easily replace every bulb in your home or business with an LED and enjoy the savings.
We’ve listed below the ways in which switching to LED can help you create a greener environment in your home or business.

Reduce your Carbon Footprint – LED bulbs are highly energy efficient. This means, if you make the switch to LED – you will drastically reduce your carbon footprint. It also means that you will waste far less energy making your home or business greener!

Easy Disposal – In the past, light bulbs contained mercury, which meant they needed to be disposed of in a specific way. LED bulbs do not contain mercury, which is not only better for the environment but it makes them easier to dispose of too.

Energy Efficiency – LED bulbs use up to 90% less energy than standard lighting. They are instant start – so there is no dull light when they’re initially switched on. They emit light in a specific direction, unlike traditional and incandescent bulbs which emit both light and heat in all directions.

We carry out a free survey of your existing lighting
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